Crystal Clear GEL WAX (kg)

Crystal Clear GEL WAX (kg)

₹350.00 ₹550.00

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  • Buy from 5 to 19 products @ ₹316.00 per item
  • Buy from 20 to 1,000 products @ ₹295.00 per item
  1. Transparency: Crystal Clear Gel Wax offers exceptional clarity, creating translucent candles with a beautiful, glass-like appearance.

  2. Versatility: Ideal for embedding objects and creating decorative effects due to its gel-like consistency that holds shapes and colors well.

  3. Burn Characteristics: Provides a longer and cleaner burn compared to traditional waxes, enhancing the overall candle performance.

  4. Ease of Use: Melt and pour capability makes it convenient for candle makers, offering creative flexibility and ease of handling during crafting.

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